Promotional Products for Election Campaigns

The success of a political campaign depends on a variety of key factors, among them: the promotional giveaways that all politicians use to boost awareness and reputation, and it's important that you embrace a branding strategy with a proven track record of boosting personal appeal. For bulk supplies in megaphones, mini flags and signs, you have a partner at collegepromos. Our customer service reps and graphic designers have years of experience assisting clients with promotional product selection and customization at the lowest cost.

As the low-price leader in the promotional products industry, collegepromos continues to create a niche for itself as the top B2B promotional product supplier. That’s because collegepromos is also the industry leader in customer service, low prices and product quality, offering custom promotional giveaways from coast to coast - such as umbrellas, stickers, caps, t-shirts, pens, signs and much more.

Election & Campaign:
67 items total

Best Selling Election & Campaign Promotional Products

Best Sellers
Souvenir(R) Sticky Note(TM) 3 X 3 Pad, 25 Sheet
250 starting at
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Gel Beads Hot / Cold Pack Small Circle
150 starting at
10 for 10
Polyester Hipster Fanny Pack
150 starting at

Custom Election & Campaign Giveaways on Sale

Best Sellers
Hardcover Notebook Pen
75 starting at
Best Sellers
Nylon Neck Wallet
100 starting at
Best Sellers
JournalBook(TM) Pedova(TM) Soft Cover Bound
48 starting at

Trending Election & Campaign Promotional Products

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BIC Grip Roller Ball Pen
150 starting at
Best Sellers
Silicone Wristband Bracelet
500 starting at

Our Top Election & Campaign Picks

Best Sellers
Custom Silicone Slap Bracelets
150 starting at
Best Sellers
16 oz Coffee Styrofoam Cup
100 starting at
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Jumbo Magnetic Power Clip
250 starting at

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